My boys

My boys

Friday, May 18, 2012

Note to self, leave the dog at home!

Today we are having some friends of Jared's spend the night for his birthday. I decided to not have cake, cause everybody has cake and it can get boring. So I asked if he would like me to try making him a Nutella cream pie (the kid is nuts about Nutella). After he stopped drooling he said sure! Mind you I have never attempted anything like this but I am up for the challenge! I thought it might be easier to use Mom's Kitchen Aid mixer. I pack up the car and (this is where I did not think things through LOL) I took Sassy aka The Sass-master cause she can run and play freely in the fenced in yard (ours is not fenced). I was working away watching the magic happen in the mixing bowl. Feeling pretty good about myself. Everything came together beautifully. I get ready to go. Get the stuff put in the car, then realize...I don't have a box or lid for the pie. All that creamy, chocolaty, Nutella goodness would be a prime target for my four legged passenger. So All the way home I held the pie (trying not to lick it myself lol) and praying, Lord please don't let me get into a crash. That would be too embarrassing, sprawled on the payment with a pie to the kisser! LOL I am however, happy to report that no pie was harmed on the drive home! Here is the proof. Mom's will do anything for their kids. Have a great weekend everyone!

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