My boys

My boys

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New news

Just sending an updates out. I saw the Dr about my ankle, and like the other Dr, he could not find anything wrong with the x-rays. He ordered an MRI so I'm waiting to hear when that will be. Mom got to San Diego just fine to be with Aunt Lori. The meeting for the Aspire school for Jared was very informative. Jared was super excited about it! I was thankful for that. They will have a 7 period day that the school will teach them how to navigate and get to classes ( I thought that was great to learn before they get to High School). He will have to work very hard but I think it will be the right fit for him. They have a leadership program that I could see him getting involved in. It also offers neat science classes (he enjoys science). So we filled out the application and they will notify us if he gets accepted for this coming school year. If  he does not he might have a chance to go in the 7th grade (wow that sounds really weird, my Jared in the 7th grade...) that is all for now. Love you all!

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