My boys

My boys

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Thanks for your prayers

Thanks so much for all your prayers for my Aunt Lori. She is recovering very well and Mom was able to go and help her out and make sure she did not overdue, (it runs in the family). She still has a long road ahead with radiation and keeping up with the family, but God is good and I know He will give her the strength she needs. This week life was just really busy, but we got things done. On the 17th Saint Patty's day Jared had his second performance of the year with his band. I was very impressed at how much they have progressed since the last concert. They will have one more at the end of the school year, can't wait for that one! I also made Corned beef and cabbage for the first time. I really enjoyed it the boys like the meat, but John would be ok with it oh about once a year HAHA. I went and had my MRI, I will go back to get results on the 29th. Just a quick side note for Mom Cline, I had to get Jd size 14 that's right 14 in new britches, I could not believe it! Nick had his first soccer game this past Saturday, and they won 9 to 2! He got to play goalie and stopped a few. He was very bouncy and busy, but he enjoyed it and was very tired afterward. :D Although I was a very bad girl and forgot to take my camera. I know  his first game! grrr. Oh well there is one this coming Saturday! Till then God bless, and love you all.

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