My boys

My boys

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Adventures of Peppermint days 8 and 9

Yesterday I was not feeling so great so, I am catching up today. Peppermint stacked the pillows, in the living room...
I guess it has been too warm for him here in the North West cause this is were we found him this morning...In our freezer...
I thought I would throw this one in just for fun. Each Christmas I usually only put out one present under the tree for each person till  Christmas Eve. Why you ask? Because the temptation is TOO GREAT for some people in my family, they can't keep their paws off! LOL Here is the proof...

Yes, that is Nicklas and yes he is measuring the package. He thinks it is legos, and he has it in his mind that he can take these measurements and compare them to the boxes at the stores. That is exactly what he told us LOL in the words of master Yoda, "Truly wonderful the mind of a child"

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