My boys

My boys

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Adventures of Peppermint and Sparkle + Extras

Well we have come to the end of our days with Peppermint and Sparkle. We sure did have fun waiting to see what and where they were each day. I have few more pictures to share...just hanging out on the oven...
 Getting ready to clean up something...
 The Boys and I made our Gingerbread house...Jared had the idea of putting candy corn on the roof . It was a good idea. Alas, I think we used the wrong kind of frosting, because the roof kept sliding off. So they ate it!
The boys are ready for Church on Christmas morning.
 After church we had light lunch and then opened gifts with Nana and Papa. We each take turns...
 He was a just a bit happy to get this one!
 Nick loved this one too!!
 This picture Jared was waiting for his turn again, but he was wiggling off the ribbon just far enough so he could just take it right off. Papa caught him! He said "What?"
 Nick loves his new Batman beanie, can you tell...All though he does LOVE geeking the camera!
 Jared Helping Nick the next day, put on the new Light Strike target vest on.
 Now they are ready for combat!! Nick trying not to smile...
 I'm sure some of you have seen the Snoquallmie Falls. It was the first time we had been there. It was beautiful...We were able to see my cousin Whitney and her boyfriend Cody. Cody's grandparents live in Bothell so they were kind enough to share those crazy kids with us for a day. 

 Below is Whitney and Cody, they really do make a great couple.

 Below Nick is trying planking...
 Then it was Jared's turn, they need some more practice, but I couldn't do it ether LOL
I hope you all have a Blessed New Year!

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