My boys

My boys

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Snow Day Yippie!!!!

Yesterday I had to take a brake from my organizing due to the massive head ache that keep me down most of the day. Today is a SNOW DAY!! We are trilled! we thought we would not have any snow this winter, but oh no, we got it and there is more coming tomorrow, they are saying about a foot in our area.
Since I am feeling much better today, I took the boys outside and we built a snowman, and the boys did some shoveling. I loved the way the tree in the front looked with the snow and ice on it...
 Jared playing dead...
 Nick still loves to eat the snow...
 Beginning the building of the snowman
 We were building away and then JD says "owe owe owe" I look up and he is stuck doing the splits LOL
 The finished man, the boys named him "Mr. White"
Enjoy your snow day!

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