My boys

My boys

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What's in store for the New Year?

Well let me get my crystal ball...Just kidding, Only He knows what is in store for tomorrow, but that doesn't mean we can't try to improve on some things in our life. I want to try to become more organized in my home. I will try to do this in about one month, so you are more than welcome to join me as I go on this journey.
On my 30 days to an Organized home.
       On day one I made and wrote down a plan of attack,  with the help of some other bloggers, and sites.
            Today is day two, and today's first task, is to Clean out the Coat closet.
I needed to do this in small steps, that allows me to do a bit a day that won't take up the whole day away from my other responsibilities. Stay tuned for more...

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