My boys

My boys

Monday, February 21, 2011

Well another week gone. We did not have our meeting at the Aspire school for Jared. They had to reschedual due to the principal getting sick. We are still waiting to hear when they plan to have it. The boys got their report cards this week. Jared over all did well, just needs to work on his fractions, and division (gee wonder where he gets that) I have tried to help him with some of his homework, but they are teaching in such a different way these days, it made no sense to me and they don't send directions So I was very frustrated. We would have to wait for John to get home to have him help Jared. Even that would confuse the poor kid. you find out what happened soon... In the comments, his teacher wrote "I enjoy Jared's positive attitude toward learning and working with his classmates. His consistently respectful demeanor and attentiveness in class are greatly appreciated." So of course I was concerned about his math. I spoke with his teacher and she said that he had taken another test and had gotten 100%, she was very proud of him. She had get the report cards done a few weeks before they went out so Jared had some time to work on things, and get better, praise the Lord!  Nicklas also did well overall, but he needs to work on his reading fluency, but I have always had an issue with this, I would much rather him understand what he reads than to fly through it and not remember anything. We are working on it though. His teacher said that," he is doing well overall and he is motivated worker, responsible, and respectful."  although this week he must have forgotten everything for a short bit of time. He went on a field trip to go see a play Peter and the Wolf. The kids road the bus, and some were really acting out, and unfortunately he was one of the ones they had to tell several times to quite down (more than three) and when they got back to school they (those that were not listening) had to write out what the expectations are when they go on field trips. Although I'm considering not letting him go on the next one. we'll see... well that's about it for now love you all  oxox.


  1. So excited to know that you are a fellow blogger! Can't believe I've been missing out. Not anymore, my friend! Love you and your three boys :)

  2. Thanks, I LOVE following you guys! Isn't it funny how things you did not necessarily enjoy in school (for me writing) you don't mind and kind of enjoy as an adult. Give those boys a hug from us!
