My boys

My boys

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Biggest Project is Done!!

I have been working on several projects lately. The biggest one was a room redo for Jared. He has not had is own room for about 9 years now. He was a little excited, but I did not tell him what all I was going to do with it.
Here are some before shots... These were some color choices

 I was using the closet as a work space, so I thought I would do the same for him too.
I have to say now that I have painted two rooms, one using a primer first and then color, and in this room using a color and primer in one. Color and primer is the way to go. In the bathroom it took me over a week, to paint. In Jared's room it only took me 2 days.

after I painted, it was time for my favorite part, putting everything together. Of course it is Star Wars themed.  My original plan was to paint a mural on one wall, but then I came to my senses! I was playing around on ebay and found giant posters at a very reasonable price, and then I found some great vinyl clings. Although I did not know how to put those things up with messing them up. ha ha ha so mom came over to help my out.
                                                            Thanks mom for all the help!
 This is the original set up for the closet office. Then mom was looking at it and the way I set it up. It looked great to me but she said it did not flow. Then we figured out that I set it up like I would because I'm left handed. LOL
so I moved things over, to better suit a right handed person. It looked all out of whack to me but it's not my space.
                                              This is on the first wall as you enter the room.
                                                        Great giant poster of battle scene!
                      Used shadow boxes with Star Wars paper in them and some masks on this wall.
                                                I saw this and loved it, how true these words are.
                              I think he liked it, he spent the next two hours in there till his bedtime.
 All in all a lot of hard work, but so worth it in the end. I have a feeling I will updating another room soon. Till next time I hope you all have a great week!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Last weekend

Well this last weekend was John's work annual company picnic. This year we went to the Point Defiance Zoo, and had a scavenger hunt and catered lunch. It was a lot of fun.  Jared and I were sick, but we did not know how sick, till we both started to feel crummy by the afternoon. Lets get on with the picts ;)

On the hunt, we had to go around the zoo in less than an hour, and find all of the rainbow letters. We got all but one. Not to shabby.  We were also suppose to be creative in our picture taking. We were in a group with John's co-worker Samson, and his fiance Sarah. They are a sweet couple.  We enjoyed being in the group with them. They are getting married Sept. 10th.

                                                                       Flying like birds.

                                  This was at the polar bear spot, and we were supposed to be cold...

                                          We were by the walrus, and I let Jared take the picture.

                                                                   Pretending to paddle

                                 John was the only one to remember to do the Elephant trunk LOL

 This was right by the new baby clouded leopard cubs, we came back to look at them later, they were very     cute, but pictures did not turn out so good.

This was at the carousel, which the boys rode after, but no pict of that ether, by then I was toast...

After lunch which was really good, the zoo brought in two animals for us to look at up close. This bird was beautiful and NOT an owl. I forgot right now what he was. Still fun to get to see up close.

 Caution! the next one might make some of you squirm. It was a non venomous snake, also amazing creature.

 The Owners of the Roman Meal Company, Chuck and Helen Matthaei, are such lovely people. They had made a donation to the Zoo for the Garden next to the Carousel.
 As we were leaving the Zoo, walking back to the car these two fawns were grassing on the lawn outside the gates of the zoo.
Jared's tummy was bothering him, but Nick was enjoying a root beer float. A nice treat to end the lovely day. I just wish Jared and I felt better. But we went to see the doctor, got some meds and are on the mend.

I also have to share how excited and surprised I was, when I got a message, on my Etsy account that someone had seen my recycled bag necklace, and wanted to post it in her blog. I was honored. She has great ideas on her blog to reuse things, here is her link

I'm also super excited about my first real home show for Two Branches Jewelry on Sept. 16th! I have so many great things planned like, hostess rewards, classes, custom work. I pray that it be good, and people will have fun. Well it is really way passed my bed time. Have a blessed week all.