My boys

My boys

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Biggest Project is Done!!

I have been working on several projects lately. The biggest one was a room redo for Jared. He has not had is own room for about 9 years now. He was a little excited, but I did not tell him what all I was going to do with it.
Here are some before shots... These were some color choices

 I was using the closet as a work space, so I thought I would do the same for him too.
I have to say now that I have painted two rooms, one using a primer first and then color, and in this room using a color and primer in one. Color and primer is the way to go. In the bathroom it took me over a week, to paint. In Jared's room it only took me 2 days.

after I painted, it was time for my favorite part, putting everything together. Of course it is Star Wars themed.  My original plan was to paint a mural on one wall, but then I came to my senses! I was playing around on ebay and found giant posters at a very reasonable price, and then I found some great vinyl clings. Although I did not know how to put those things up with messing them up. ha ha ha so mom came over to help my out.
                                                            Thanks mom for all the help!
 This is the original set up for the closet office. Then mom was looking at it and the way I set it up. It looked great to me but she said it did not flow. Then we figured out that I set it up like I would because I'm left handed. LOL
so I moved things over, to better suit a right handed person. It looked all out of whack to me but it's not my space.
                                              This is on the first wall as you enter the room.
                                                        Great giant poster of battle scene!
                      Used shadow boxes with Star Wars paper in them and some masks on this wall.
                                                I saw this and loved it, how true these words are.
                              I think he liked it, he spent the next two hours in there till his bedtime.
 All in all a lot of hard work, but so worth it in the end. I have a feeling I will updating another room soon. Till next time I hope you all have a great week!

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