My boys

My boys

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It's been a long time...

So I must have been really brain dead cuz I wrote and posted the same picts LOL! Silly Girl thanks for hanging in there,  it has been a long time since I wrote, again. What can I say but life happens. This week was super busy for me and that is because Nick had his third grade Science Fair. I kept putting it off and we did it at the last minute. (bad momma) and I helped out with a baby shower for twins!! So Nick did a report and had to put together a display board. Here he is working on the board.
His project was what juice cleans a penny best? We tried five juices, cranberry, white grapefruit, apple, grape, and orange. here is what the pennies looked like be for they spent 24 hours in juice.

And this is after the 24 hours...

As you can see the orange had the best results, it was fun. Then we got to his fair at school and all of the 3rd grader's projects were on display. This is Miss Mills with Nick, she was also Jared's 3rd grade teacher. We love her! She just got married last month, and is now Mrs. Philips. But we are not used to that yet,

 And a quick shot with Dad. awe... Them is my boys...
Well that about does it for this one.

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